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New posts in shebang

Naming for Python installations in Unix and good use of the shebang

python installation shebang

How to write shebang when using features of minor versions

How to Download from Jupyter Notebook without Extra Comments

Should Python library modules start with #!/usr/bin/env python?

python coding-style shebang

How to make an executable phar?

php shebang phar

Should I put the shebang line in every python file?

python shebang

How to fix shebang flags that are not recognized on some systems

python shell shebang

How to make the Shebang be able to choose the correct Python interpreter between python3 and python3.5

When scripting, what's the difference between #!/usr/bin/perl and #!/usr/bin/env perl?

perl shell shebang

Effects of comment (#) lines before and/or after the comment-like #!/bin/sh line

shell comments sh shebang

Is it possible to create a self-rendering Rmarkdown document?

lisp as a shebang script vs lisp running in SLIME

lisp sdl slime sbcl shebang

Shebang "#!" starts and "!#" ends?

bash scala shell shebang

Dealing with multiple python versions when python files have to use #!/bin/env python

python shebang

#!/usr/bin/python and #!/usr/bin/env python, which support?

python shebang

What is the significance of -T or -w in #!/usr/bin/perl?

perl shebang taint

run python script directly from command line

python bash shell shebang env

How do I set the taint mode in a perl script with a '#!/usr/bin/env perl'- shebang?

perl shebang taint

Shebang for psql

postgresql shebang psql

Git: how to deal with different shebang

git shebang