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New posts in semantic-versioning

Semantic versioning of REST apis?

Where do you store your Rails Application's version number?

How do I find out what version of a bower package is actually installed?

What does "public api" means in Semantic Versioning?


How do I install the latest minor version of a package on npm?

npm semantic-versioning

Should I pin my Python dependencies versions?

Update package to a major release with NPM

Are there npm version prerelease identifiers?

What is the convention for versioning npm packages prior to 1.0.0?

Parcel SemVer bug

What package version does @next specify for npm?

What is the caret sign (^) before the dependency version number in Flutter's pubspec.yaml?

What is the bower (and npm) version syntax?

What's the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json?