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New posts in sed

Converting a list to double quoted comma separated strings

linux awk sed grep

Randomly sampling lines from a file

python bash sed

sed gives error with unterminated substitute in regular expression

shell awk sed

need help porting a sed command from debian to OSX

macos shell command-line sed

sed replace literal TAB

sed freebsd

Linux delete spaces after a character in a line

linux replace sed

Shellscript Read XML attribute value

bash shell awk sed

Is it safe to replace "strings" inside .class file? Or it is better to recompile?

java regex sed disassembly

Hyphen and underscore not compatible in sed

regex sed character-class

bash - Remove all Unicode Spaces and replace with Normal Space

bash unicode sed spaces

How do I know which delimiter has occurred first using awk in bash?

bash shell awk sed

Cannot replace line after string match in jenkins pipeline using variables

Output matching pattern whilst retaining the line they existed on - bash

awk sed grep

Use sed (or other command line) to replace a set of characters with a different set

command-line sed

To catch the start of a sequence from a file

bash sed awk grep

Bash printf %q invalid directive

linux bash sed printf ps1

Check if any replacement done by `perl -i -pe`

regex bash perl sed

How to add an integer to a difference calculation and print it to the end of a line?

awk sed

Delete Lines : after pattern1 and between pattern2 and pattern3 using awk/sed/perl

perl sed awk

Sed/Awk - remove blankspaces / join lines in ldif dump

sed awk ldif