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New posts in sed

sed - extract STRING between first occurrence of MATCH1 and next occurrence of MATCH2

regex bash sed

Howto use sed to remove only triple empty lines?

linux sed

Passing part of patterns from sed to shell

shell sed

sed print line from regex to regex

regex bash sed

Exclude lines by pattern in sed

bash sed

awk/gsub - print everything between double quotes in multiple occurrences per line

bash sed awk

SED command to delete empty lines till the first occurrence of sentence

regex macos bash sed

BASH: grep/awk/sed to extract variable data

linux bash awk sed grep

sed: remove hex-character(s) within the first n characters of a file

regex bash sed

Escaping question mark character in sed bash script variable

regex bash sed

Sed error "sed: unmatched '/'"

linux bash shell sed

How to add line with spaces at beginning, and with backslash at end with sed?

bash awk sed

grep: Keeping lines that has specific string in certain column

awk sed grep

Is there another regular-expression "flavor" in GNU sed?

regex bash sed

sed: print delimited block of lines if it matches a pattern

bash awk sed

SED or AWK script to replace multiple text

python perl unix awk sed

Sed Error "extra characters at the end of g command"

linux unix sed

Remove blank lines in a file using sed

sed replace substitution

replace with sed on Mac OS X Leopard doesn't do what expected

regex macos unix sed

sed: delete previous line

regex sed