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New posts in sed

How to replace one character inside parentheses keep everything else as is

awk sed grep

add empty line between each time blocks

bash awk sed

Delete line if line matches "foo", line above matches "bar" and line below matches "baz"?

awk sed

Align columns in comma-separated file

bash sed

Remove bracket from a particular string

awk sed

add a line between matching pattern - unix

awk sed

Vim Regex Duplicate Lines Grouping

regex sorting vim sed awk

Sed script to remove first two lines of file if they are empty

perl sed pattern-matching

How can I replace lines in a text file with lines from another file based on matching key fields?

bash unix sed awk

Find string and replace line in linux

linux replace sed find

Parse interfaces from ifconfig

regex sed grep

sed/awk - How to remove lines with less than 3 columns

bash sed awk

Parsing a config file in bash

bash sed awk grep

Understanding sed hold-space work-flow


Reuse a command to pipe in bash

regex linux bash shell sed

how to add "/" to end of line if it does not exist with sed

bash sed

Remove one-character words

regex bash perl awk sed

Command substitution in sed

bash sed

Print file in particular order in bash

bash shell awk sed

Remove some character in the start and in the end using sed

regex awk sed grep