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Efficiently iterate through all MATCHING keys in a hashmap?

Best practices for seaching for alternate forms of a word with Lucene

Sharepoint Search doesn't work

searching within nested list in python

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ASP.NET C# Search in a SQL Server Database Table

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What's wrong with this Interpolation search implementation?

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XSL Multiple search and replace function

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Apple Appstore name search via the API?

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Find similar words by pronunciation - algorithms, approaches, libraries

How can I return a record based on only a partial match of that record?

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Database - the best way, how to search names

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android search dialog not working

android search dialog

Searching for a record in a TreeSet on the fly

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Methods for crossover in genetic algorithms

VIM search multiple closed files

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JQGrid Toolbar Searching: search for multiple words for a column

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JavaScript - Search for first character in an Array

lucene indexing of html files

java search indexing lucene

Python: Fastest way to find a string in an enumeration