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Object-oriented scientific data processing, how to cleverly fit data, analysis and visualization in objects?

Is there a way to further improve sparse solution times using python?

"Logbook" for scientific simulations

HDF5 Storage Overhead

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A good web resource for learning Direct Compute?

Nonlinear e^(-x) regression using scipy, python, numpy

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Scientific Programming with Ruby

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Scientific Plotting in Python

Solving floating-point rounding issues C++

Plot Mandelbrot with matplotlib / pyplot / numpy / python

What is the performance penalty of using std::vector in C++?

How to generate a massive amount of high quality Random Numbers?

Scientific Computing: Balancing Self-Contained-ness and Reuse? [closed]

Concatenate a large number of HDF5 files

Java Multi-Threading Beginner Questions

Is C really used for a lot of Scientific Computing?

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Solving nonlinear equations numerically