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How do I use Name as an applicative?

sbt is using "default" project instead of creating a new one

Preferred Scala collection for progressively removing random items?

scala scala-collections

How to call function from hashmap in Scala

Can't explain behaviour of examples executed in the scala shell

debugging shell scala actor

Scala arrays and parameterized types

arrays generics scala types

Scala - what is the right way to organize singleton objects hierarchy?

flatMap on Map with wildcard type parameter

In Scala, how do i tell an abstract base class that type parameter T supports implicit conversion from Int (or Float, or...)?

Functional computation of list-values

What does `g8` do when installing Typesafe Stack 2.0

scala typesafe-stack

How to implicitly wrap a value that can be null or an array into an Scala Option

Rewrite 'for' loop from Java to Scala

scala for-loop

Custom validation of Play 2.0 form (scala)

"def someFun[_] (a:Int) = a", No warnings and no errors. normal?

scala types type-inference

Subdomains in Play 2.0

How to write a polymorphic input function in Scala?

Scala Partially Applied Functions with Pattern Matching


hibernate-spatial unresolved dependencies postgis-jdbc;1.5.3: not found

hibernate scala lift

Scala: Filtering collection based on type parameter