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New posts in scala-2.11

Scalaz unboxed tagged type not automatically unboxed

Could this be a Scala compiler bug?

scala pattern match a function - how to get around type erasure

"Error:scalac: Error: object VolatileFloatRef does not have a member create" when using Scala 2.11.8 SDK

How do you indent code block for scaladoc

scala scaladoc scala-2.11

How to escape /* in scaladoc?

scala scaladoc scala-2.11

Pattern matching dependent types - how to avoid asInstanceOf?

scala scala-2.11

How to add a time based watcher to a Scala Future?

scala scala-2.11 scala-2.12

Scala Macro: Create new classes with Option types

How to check if some T is a case class at compile time in Scala?

How to use JSR-223 to get Scala interpreter in sbt console?

scala sbt jsr223 scala-2.11

Convert try to option without losing error information in Scala

How to find the name of the enclosing source file in Scala 2.11

scala scala-2.11

How to set-up the sbt-proguard plugin in Build.scala

How can I handle a > 22 column table with Slick using nested tuples or HLists?

scala tuples slick scala-2.11

Why doesn't the Def.inputTask macro work in Scala 2.11.1?

scala sbt scala-2.11