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New posts in saml-2.0

How do I configure Spring Security SAML to work with Okta?

Spring Security SAML - Failed to verify signature

how to configure java app to act as Identity Provider

ACS75005 "The request is not a valid SAML2 protocol message." Is showing always when I connect to Windows Azure Active Directory using SAML

.net azure saml-2.0

spring saml: How is LOGOUT handled? Is it mandatory to have logout endpoint in IDP metadata xml?

How to verify a SAML signature for HTTP-redirect binding

HttpSession returned null object for SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT

InvalidNameIDPolicy working with ADFS

saml saml-2.0 adfs claims

SAML based SSO with Laravel

How to add new idp metadata in spring-SAML at runtime

"HTTP Status 401 - Authentication Failed: Incoming SAML message is invalid" with Salesforce as IdP for implementating SSO

Setting up SAML callback in Rails using Devise and OmniAuth-SAML

How to verify an X509Certificate2 against an X509Certificate2Collection chain

Recipient vs Audience in SAML 2.0

saml saml-2.0

SSL configuration issue with Spring-SAML

SAML for Native Mobile Apps(Android and IOS)

android ios saml-2.0 onelogin

Steps to implement SSO for php application

SAML Signing Certificate - Which SSL Certificate Type?

Consume SAMLResponse Token

How to create a self-signed x509 certificate with both private and public keys?