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Ruby on Rails TypeError

How to get a list of the arguments a method is called with

ruby-on-rails ruby

where to put secure passwords/keys in a rails app?

ruby-on-rails security

Does after_commit actually run?

Problem with Routes using Devise and Omniauth

Rails 3 Migration Alter Float Length/Decimal

Rails form errors - validation

rails has_one through a collection

how to create a method that return true or false based on a record count

Class variables with params values in ApplicationController

ruby-on-rails ruby

Ruby on Rails 3: setting fixed locale on specific route

Subclassing activerecord and maintain subclass after db fetch

Does anyone know the options for Devises `authenticate_user!`?

Rails 3.1 translate model attribute name

Mongoid embeds / has_many :through equivalent

Rails 3: Scope on an optional has_one association

multi tenant with custom domain on rails

MVC paradigm. Why only application_controller?

Multiple rails servers

ruby-on-rails ruby

group_by and count
