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New posts in ruby-on-rails-6

Rails custom ActiveRecord::Type fails when using `class_name` in has_many :through association

Papertrail: records with nil whodunnit values and object_changes in logs

Zeitwerk "DEPRECATION WARNING: Initialization autoloaded the constants" caused by including a module in the lib folder

How to rollback specific Databases with Active Record

Rails 6+, zeitwerk autoloader and namedspaced constants

Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined in Rails 6 jquery webpacker

Rails 6 Action Mailbox and Gmail Integration How To

How to get all the associated models from ActiveRecord object?

Using ERB in Markdown with Redcarpet

Webpacker throws application.css not found in manifest.json in *Rails 6* application

rspec rails 6 controllers

dotenv gem doesn't get variables in Rails 6 or Ruby 2.6.5

Autoloading and Zeitwerk Mode in Rails 6

Unable to deploy TailwindCSS on a Rails 6 app to Heroku

csrf_meta_tags and form_for generate invalid base64 on Heroku

heroku ruby-on-rails-6

$ is not defined when installing jQuery in Rails via Webpack

Rails: Vanilla Rails 6.0 error Command "webpack" not found

How to require custom JS files in Rails 6

Relation passed to #or must be structurally compatible. Incompatible values: [:references]