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New posts in ruby-on-rails-3.2

Rails + omniauth + facebook - csrf detected

Mongoid Group By or MongoDb group by in rails

How to make a DELETE link to a rails resource?

How to create another object when creating a Devise User from their registration form in Rails?

rounding a Rails DateTime to the nearest 15 minute interval

rake db:structure:dump fails under PostgreSQL / Rails 3.2

Building Rails 3 Engine Throwing Gem::Package::TooLongFileName Error

How to get index in partial with fields_for on nested records [duplicate]

Switching my Rails 3.2.12 project to Ruby 2.0.0 fails a test

ruby ruby-on-rails-3.2

deeply nested content_tag, concat and rails 3

Error installing therubyracer gem

Hash.except() doesn't work with symbol keys

RoR models don't seem to act like a Ruby class?

Undefined method 'accept' for nil:NilClass after upgrading to Rails 3

Ruby f.select: Syntax for assigning css class?


How can I use Jquery in rails 3.2.8?

jquery ruby-on-rails-3.2

Mongoid 3 Complex Query with ANDs and ORs

Rails: content submitted using ckeditor is displayed with html tags

Memory Leaks in my Ruby on Rails Application

Segmentation fault with Ruby 1.8.7