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New posts in rpm-spec

How to run a shell command in RPM spec file?

rpm rpm-spec

Using Jenkins BUILD NUMBER in RPM spec file

Shipping *.so and binaries while building RPM package

python rpm rpm-spec

rpmbuild error: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found

rpm rpmbuild rpm-spec

Making an RPM which sets POSIX files capabilities

Is there any syntax or trick to be able to create a multiline rpm spec file macro

can an RPM spec file "include" other files?

linux scripting rpm rpm-spec

Exclude or delete directory path from %files in rpm.spec file

rpm rpmbuild rpm-spec

How to set owner for directory in the %files?

rpm rpmbuild rpm-spec

Packaging symlinks via rpmbuild?

symlink rpm rpmbuild rpm-spec

Build RPM to just install files

rpm rpm-spec

Define Version with script in RPM spec file

Python RPM I built won't install

python rpm rpmbuild rpm-spec

Can I use rpm to expand the macros in a specfile?

rpm rpm-spec

How to pass user defined parameters to rpmbuild to fill variables

rpmbuild rpm-spec

RPM spec file - Is it possible to dynamically populate a spec file variable

rpm rpmbuild rpm-spec

How do I get rpmbuild to download all of the sources for a particular .spec?

rpm rpmbuild rpm-spec

extract the spec file from rpm package

linux rpm rpmbuild rpm-spec