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Rails 3 Routing based on regex

Rails routes.rb - Matching case insensitive

ruby-on-rails routes

Build routes on top of a common base route?

ruby routes sinatra

Play Framework. Routes. Error: "not enough arguments for method at..."

routes playframework-2.1

Symfony translating routes using BeSimple/BeSimpleI18nRoutingBundle duplicate routes

ASP.NET MVC 2 RC 2 returns Area-specific controller when no area specified

asp.net-mvc-2 routes areas

using query string in Python Pyramid route configuration

Rails 3 URL without controller name

Rails No route matches {:controller=>"devise/products"}

Obversing route change to apply equivalent to onload

ember.js routes observers

With Rails 3 routes, how do you only allow a requests from

routes ruby-on-rails-3

mvc route actionlink url use name instead of id

Language switcher, redirect to current page with symfony2.0

redirect symfony routes

Ruby on Rails nested routes with has_one association

Express - Route separation methods

Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: '' in angular 7

angular routes

Log use of the default route in rails

Google Maps v3 Create routes between two points

Rails 4 nested resources but not exposing the RESTful routes of parent?

Creating new rails action doesn't work?