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Page redirect not working consistently in PHP or JavaScript

Reveal.js multiplexing doesn't work

How to Make a Portable Jupyter Slideshow

How do I get vertical slides using Rpres markdown

r markdown rstudio reveal.js

columns in reveal.js with org-mode

org-mode reveal.js

How to apply `data-trim` and `data-noescape` to a markdown code block in Reveal.js?

javascript reveal.js

Why does my reveal.js PDF output have 45 000 pages instead of 350 pages after upgrading from 2.6.2 to 3.5.0?


Is it possible to include a bibliography in a revealjs presentation using rmarkdown?

r r-markdown reveal.js

Customizing IPython notebook / Jupyter slide show

How to specify which reveal.js presentation to run from a local web server?

node.js reveal.js

reveal.js: How to write Mathjax formulas inline?

mathjax reveal.js

sound transition with reveal.js


How to increase the page width in ipython notebook (jupyter) slides

reveal.js background color choices

html reveal.js

How do I separate slides when exporting an IPython notebook to reveal.js?

Incorporate Leaflet map in revealjs presentation within R

r leaflet r-markdown reveal.js

unsolicited change of font size in mathjax in reveal.js slides

Export a reveal.js presentation to LibreOffice (odp) or PowerPoint (ppt, pptx)

syntax highlighting code in Reveal.js how to?