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How do I get vertical slides using Rpres markdown

I'm using R markdown in a Rpres file, in RStudio.

I understand that this is using reveal.js, which can do vertical slides.

What markdown do I need to type to get it to create a vertical slide? All my attempts so far (--, ---, type:subsection) still result in a simple set of horizontal slides and only left right navigation

like image 569
Corvus Avatar asked Apr 09 '14 14:04


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1 Answers

Ok, this is a bit old at this point, but for the sake of completeness:

If you install the revealjs package:

# or "srvanderplas/revealjs" if you want slide numbers by default

and use

title: "Awesome revealjs presentation"
author: "Your name"
    pandoc_args: [ "--slide-level", "2" ]

in your preamble

then H1 (# in markdown) will make a new top-level slide, and H2 (## in markdown) will make a new vertical slide under a top-level slide.

like image 177
srvanderplas Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09
