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how to return function in elisp

function lisp return elisp

Is there a reason for an empty return statement at the end of void function?

c++ syntax return

java how retrieve data from database

Make a for loop method with if statements return the correct "return" without array?

java loops methods return

Why is my while loop ending?

C# - Returning mixed types in a function

c# object return

c++: how to return a shared_ptr from function

c++ function return shared-ptr

Missing return statement with switch

What is the difference between these two methods for checking if a number is a prime?

java return

C# - Rethrow exception in catch block, after return

c# exception return try-catch

Yii2 return $this->goBack() Not Working

redirect yii2 return

error: no matching function for call to ... at return statement

Why does the compiler assume that malloc returns an int?

c malloc return

tableView:viewForHeaderInSection: default value?

Where to place 'return false;' in a jQuery function to correct page jumping issue

jquery return

Python Returning Data when None expected

python return reddit

Why can I not use the "<<" operator in a return statement?

How do i return a block of code in ruby

ruby return block

Is there any significance to this return statement?

Returning an object confusion

c++ return return-type