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RESTFul and Hibernate

hibernate rest

Best practice for updating a structured resource via REST?


How do I create a Spring 3 + Tiles 2 webapp using REST-ful URLs?

protobuf-net and wcf web apis

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Android and a RESTful service

WSDL2REST - is there a C# version? (convert SOAP to RESTful web service)

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REST with Polymorphic DataContracts - Deserialization Fails

c# .net wcf rest datacontract

Ignoring null values when marshaling an object to JSON with RESTeasy and Jettison

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backbone.js Model Sync and C# .net RESTful web services

Live Connect Rest API: Signing user in?

c# rest live connect

How do you verify if a user is following you using PHP, JS and/or REST API?

Map URI parameters to properties of parameter object?

c# wcf json web-services rest

Returning ZipInputStream as a Jax-RS Response object

CXF JAXRS | Complex response types are not present in the generated wadl

java rest cxf jax-rs wadl

What really is 2-legged Oauth

php api rest oauth 2-legged

Looking for message broker with a REST API

rest messaging amazon-sqs

How to abort an HTTP post without reading its full contents (.NET REST service)

How to handle nested resources in Web API ("REST") when not found?

rest web asp.net-web-api