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New posts in regex

php preg_match only numbers, letters and dot

php regex preg-match

Regex capture groups in any order

c# regex

Javascript regex for cleaning string value

javascript regex

How much faster are regular expressions processed in C/Java than in Python? [closed]

regex, multiline extract in R

regex r multiline

Regex for at least one alphabet and shouldn't allow dot(.)

Replace an entire line of text using powershell and regexp?

regex powershell

Regex match lines that are not commented

javascript regex

How to perform proxypassreverse with regex

regex apache reverse-proxy

Java regex program not working as expected

java regex multiline

Regex: How to specify captured group should contain a specfic word

php regex

Use lapply on a subset of list elements and return list of same length as original in R

regex r plyr lapply

WordPress - Rewrite rules with multiple parameters

Why does this JavaScript regex crash in the browser?

javascript regex browser

Please can someone help me understand the exec method for regular expressions?

javascript regex

Python regular expression, matching the last word

python regex list

Replace a "new line" char with regex in C#

c# regex

Url pattern for alphanumeric(slug) string in django

R regexp swapping text parts

regex r

Regular expression for word that doesn't match a list of words

regex regex-negation