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New posts in regex

Python regular expression to match IPV4 address doesn't work

python regex

Match Strings with Variable Left/Right Delimiters

Multiple groups in one regex?

c# .net regex

regular expression find strings with certain pattern in R

regex r

What's wrong with my split() and its regex?

java regex string split double

Regular expression extracting last element starting with &[?


Regex: Detect any substring of the alphabet?

regex oracle

Match single character in .net regex

c# regex

PowerShell - regex to get string between two strings

Piping of grep is not working with tail? [duplicate]

regex linux bash grep

Is this a bad regex pattern?

javascript regex

golang regex to find urls in a string

regex go

Combine two regexes


searching for ip addresses except using regular expressions

regex linux sed

How can I exclude a string if it ends in ".d.ts"?

regex gulp glob

Regex - Extract digits from a url

javascript regex

How to get all of attributes with regex?

php regex attributes

Why is performance of ^(?:x+y){5}$ slower than ^x+yx+yx+yx+yx+y$

java .net regex performance

awk solution for pattern matching and allowing one ambiguity/mismatch

regex awk grep

parsing regex - (Not enough )'s

c# regex