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New posts in regex

Regex : Split on comma , but exclude commas within parentheses and quotes(Both single & Double)

java regex

Split text by columns in PowerShell

regex powershell select awk

Notepad++:: Completely remove lines that contains question mark via Regex

perl regex put all matches into an array including full match

regex perl

Perl RE Matching: How can I use a variable for RE flags?

regex perl

How to regex split, but keep the split string?

python regex

PHP make a multidimensional associative array from key names in a string separated by brackets

Expand string without Invoke-Expression

regex powershell

How to handle trailing slashing in Google App Engine app.yaml

How can I check a string for multiple certain characters?

php regex string character

Combining regex with a literal string

regex r

regex remove all non alphanumeric characters except emoticons

php regex preg-replace

Why [^\d\w\s,] matches "leonardo,davinci"?

regex grep

C# Validating User Input like a Credit Card number

c# regex validation

Trying to get a regex to recognize and extract words from both camelCase and CamelCase

javascript regex

Regex capture group swift

ios regex swift swift2

Why /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]\.(com)|(edu)|(org)$/i does not work as expected


Using Regex to replace or append line in file | Linux Shell script

regex linux shell awk sed

R: Regex in strsplit (finding ", " followed by capital letter)

regex r strsplit

Java - Regex extract date from string