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New posts in regex-lookarounds

Regex negative lookbehind not valid in JavaScript [duplicate]

PCRE: backreferences not allowed in lookbehinds?

Syntactic predicates in ANTLR lexer rules

Regex negative lookbehind and lookahead: equivalence and performance

JavaScript support of Lookaheads and Lookbehinds in Regular Expressions

RegEx for matching all chars except some special chars and ":)"

Regular expressions negative lookahead

Negative lookahead assertion with the * modifier in Perl

Select the next line after match regex

Raku regex: How to use capturing group inside lookaheads

Syntax for multiple positive lookaheads in JavaScript regex

regex regex-lookarounds

Look behinds: all the rage in regex?

How to rewind next-search start position by 1?

perl regex-lookarounds

Can sed regex simulate lookbehind and lookahead?

Regex look behind in VS Code?

functional difference between lookarounds and non-capture group?

Regex get text before and after a hyphen

regex regex-lookarounds

Nested regex lookahead and lookbehind

Regex - lookahead assertion

regex regex-lookarounds

How to do a negative lookbehind within a %r<…>-delimited regexp in Ruby?