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New posts in reflection

How to get MinValue/MaxValue of a certain ValueType via reflection?

.net vb.net reflection

Determine if FieldInfo is compiler generated backingfield

c# reflection

Get a string representation of a property in C# at run-time

Why does this work?

c# .net reflection

Cast using Reflection in C#

c# .net reflection

loading a class from out of classpath by using Java Reflection

java reflection classpath

LINQ query on object with unknown class

ClassCastException While casting List<String> to Class<?>

Method showing up in getDeclaredMethods(), but can't be found with getDeclaredMethod(), why?

java reflection

How to get the concrete implementation of an interface by the generic type?

c# reflection

Reflection: Constant variables within a class loaded via reflection

java reflection

How to cast Dictionary<string,MyClass> to Dictionary<string,object>

Using .net reflection to find a common ancestor class

c# reflection

ICSharpCode.Decompiler + Mono.Cecil -> How to generate code for a single method?

Passing.getText() String to another class

Can I get a method attribute from a generic delegate?

how to find method in assembly file in hex?

how to create an instance of class and set properties from a Bag object like session

Java/reflection - where's error?

java reflection

Is directly accessing the backing array of a String justified in some cases?

java arrays string reflection