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New posts in reflection

Improve property monitoring code?

Typecast to a type from just the string representation of the type name

C# class type - How to determine whether it is a standard .net framework class

c# reflection gettype

How to detect when an attribute is modified by calling reflection methods

java reflection

Define a method in base class that returns the name of itself (using reflection) - subclasses inherit this behavior

c# reflection

How can I determine the subsystem used by a given .NET assembly?

c# reflection

Generate class from datatable or database table

Getting list of fully qualified names from a simple name

java reflection classloader

Is there a way to enforce the existence of a static member in a child class in C#?

c# reflection static

How to detect if T is IEnumerable<T2>, and if so get type of T2?

c# generics reflection

Java equivalent to python "dir"?

java reflection

How to test whether two generics have a base-subclass relationship without instantiating them?

c# generics reflection

Comparing base types in reflection

c# reflection

Is possible getMethods in order using reflections? [duplicate]

java reflection

Significance of Reflection in AJAX-Based Applications

ajax reflection jquery

Invoke Enumerable.Where (or other overloaded generic method) using reflection

How to find out if property is inherited from a base class or declared in derived?

c# reflection

How to create a class dynamically in java

Reflection in Ruby. Instantiate an object by given class name

ruby reflection

How to find all direct subclasses of a class with .NET Reflection

c# .net reflection