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New posts in raster

Paper.js Rasterize Layer Fails

R: over-write xy coordinates of raster layer

parLapply multiple arguments R

OpenGL behavior in a 2D tile-based engine: pixel "snapping" when in motion, approximation errors?

opengl-es raster

can raster create multi-layer objects with different modes?

r raster

Looking for algorithm: skeleton generation for raster images

algorithm geometry raster

Create an empty tiled raster table in PostGIS

postgresql postgis raster tile

How can I extract data from a raster stack based on a list of lat long?

r raster

Line Rasterization / 4-connected Bresenham

How to legend a raster using directly the raster attribute table and displaying the legend only for class displayed in the raster?

Raster map with discrete color scale for negative and positive values R

r colors maps raster levelplot

Working with lots of data and lots of rasters in R?

R raster plotting an image, draw a circle and mask pixels outside circle

r image mask raster

Determining the size of grid cells in a raster

r raster

Use ggplot to plot over an image with legend

r ggplot2 raster ggmap ggimage

portion of a raster cell covered by one or more polygons: is there a faster way to do this (in R)?

r raster r-raster sp geos

repeat same raster layer to create a raster stack

r raster

How can I create raster plots with the same colour scale in R

r maps raster

R: Write RasterStack and preserve layer names

r raster netcdf geotiff