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Rail3 rake test task not running tests

Use schema.rb in gem

ruby-on-rails ruby rake

Rails.root is Empty in Custom Rake Task in Rails 3.0

ruby-on-rails ruby rake

rake db:migrate failed

ruby-on-rails rake abort

rake db:structure:dump fails under PostgreSQL / Rails 3.2

Could not find rake 10.0.3 in any of the sources, when working with Whenever and Capistrano

Run rake task from outside RAILS_ROOT

ruby-on-rails rake task

Rails - Rake test and rubocop in one task

NoMethodError: undefined method `confirm!' for #<User

Activated Ruby RAKE 10.0.1, require 10.0.0

ruby-on-rails rake

Strange "profiling" output. from Rails command line

ruby-on-rails ruby rake

Why would rake assets:precompile take forever?

ruby rake assets precompile

What is an "Implicit Database Sequence"?

Anyone have experience calling Rake from MSBuild for code gen and other benefits? How did it go? What are your thoughts / recommendations?

LoadError: cannot load such file -- rspec/core/rake_task

ruby rspec rubygems rake