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Making the database.yml file work in Rails on OSX

Database not being selected in rails project when attempting to rake db:migrate

Automatically precompile assets before pushing to Heroku

ruby-on-rails ruby heroku rake

How to get name of current rake task in my Rails model?

rake check if already running

how to run rake task in background in rails

My rake task is not showing up in rake -T

Run Rails Rake task on Heroku Scheduler as detached to capture log output in Papertrail

Rails: differences in db/schema.rb - null: false at created_at/updated_at columns

Does Sidekiq execute jobs in the order they are sent to a worker?

Why does a query in rails with a limit not work unless .all is put on the end

Can I override task :environment in test_helper.rb to test rake tasks?

ruby testing rake bdd

How do I make Rake tasks run under my Sinantra app/environment?

How to make rake db:migrate generate schema.rb when using :sql schema format

What's the difference between running rake task in background vs. using gem like Delayed Job, Resque, or Sidekiq?

Rake:task equivalent in Django

Rails 3 > Rendering views in rake task

Only load rake rasks in a certain environment?

ruby-on-rails rake bundler

Rails: rake db:test:prepare Vs rake test:prepare