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New posts in r-raster

Spatial correlogram using the raster package

r spatial r-raster spatialpack

extract() data from raster with small polygons - rounded weights too small

r gis spatial raster r-raster

Is there a way in R to plot a legend with two axes?

"Globe"-shaped map of Russia

r r-raster sp

calculate and plot vector field of an arbitrary rasterLayer

r ggplot2 geospatial r-raster

A faster function to lower the resolution of a raster R

r aggregate raster r-raster

time and geographical subset of netcdf raster stack or raster brick using R

Combining polygons and calculating their area (i.e. number of cells) in R

r r-raster

Identify position of a click on a raster in leaflet, in R

If raster value NA search and extract the nearest non-NA pixel

r r-raster

R: Detect a "main" Path and remove or filter the GPS trace maybe using a kernel?

r data.table tidyr r-raster sf

Sum nlayers of a rasterStack in R

r r-raster

image raster R package - raster printing without background and border and legend

r image r-raster

How to extrapolate a raster using in R

r r-raster pde

R - convert SpatialLines into raster

r raster r-raster sp

R: Handling of sf objects in raster package

r r-raster sf

How to make R's 'raster' package distinguish between positive and negative rotation matrices in GeoTIFFs?