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New posts in cdo-climate

How to identify each file of origin when concatinating many netcdf files with ncrcat?

netcdf nco cdo-climate

Merging multiple Netcdf files according to the vertical level

Truncating netCDF

setting values below a threshold to the threshold in a netcdf file

bash netcdf nco cdo-climate

Monthly sum of wet days from daily data using Climate Data Operators (CDO)

Change grid size of a netCDF file

Combine multiple NetCDF files into timeseries multidimensional array python

python netcdf nco cdo-climate

How to reduce the resolution (Regrid) of netCDF using bi-linear interpolation in R?

Efficient way to extract data from NETCDF files

Extract data from grib weather model

Overwriting specific cells in netcdf

python netcdf nco cdo-climate

How to convert a rotated NetCDF back to a normal lat/lon grid?

is it possible to run CDO within a R script?

r cdo-climate

How to calculate number of missing values summed over time dimension in a netcdf file in bash

Convert grib to netcdf file

netcdf grib cdo-climate

NCO: Extract a variable from NetCDF file using NCO ncks

netcdf nco cdo-climate ncks

Possible bug in GDAL?

python gdal grib cdo-climate

time and geographical subset of netcdf raster stack or raster brick using R

Converting NetCDF to GRIB2

python netcdf grib cdo-climate

netcdf4 extract for subset of lat lon

python netcdf nco cdo-climate