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New posts in r-factor

How can i convert a factor column that contains decimal numbers to numeric?

r dataframe numeric r-factor

data.table assignment involving factors

calculate the frequency in R

r frequency r-factor

One of the factor's levels is an empty string; how to replace it with non-missing value?

r dataframe r-factor

Using ifelse on factor in R

r if-statement r-factor

Extract the factor's values positions in level

r r-factor

Directly creating dummy variable set in a sparse matrix in R

Logistic Regression on factor: Error in eval(family$initialize) : y values must be 0 <= y <= 1

R - How to contrast code factors and retain meaningful labels in output summary

r r-factor

drop = TRUE doesn't drop factor levels in data.frame while in vector it does

r dataframe r-factor

Create frequency tables for multiple factor columns in R

r r-factor sapply

How do I quickly find out whether two (large) factors are relabelings of each other?

r r-factor

Best way in R to pick which level is the base category for a factor in an lm regression

r lm r-factor

How to make the levels of a factor in a data frame consistent across all columns?

r matrix dataframe r-factor

Order factor levels in order of appearance in data set

r data.table r-factor

Why does R change the variable type when prepending NA values to a data frame with factors?

r dataframe na rbind r-factor

counting unique factors in r

r unique r-factor

geom_boxplot() from ggplot2 : forcing an empty level to appear

r ggplot2 boxplot r-factor

Select row by level of a factor

r subset r-factor

R: factor levels, recode rest to 'other'

r r-factor