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New posts in python-unicode

Python, convert 4-byte char to avoid MySQL error "Incorrect string value:"

Open() and codecs.open() in Python 2.7 behave strangely different

Python print unicode doesn't show correct symbols

unicode error while zipfile extract

python zip python-unicode

UnicodeDecodeError when using Python 2.x unicodecsv

Python returns length of 2 for single Unicode character string

Python print unicode list

Python3: UnicodeEncodeError only when run from crontab

UnicodeEncodeError when fetching url

TypeError: write() argument 1 must be unicode, not str

Get non-ASCII filename from S3 notification event in Lambda

base64 encoding unicode strings in python 2.7

Tensorflow can not restore vocabulary in evaluation process

python byte string encode and decode

Comparing string and unicode in Python 2.7.5

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u2019' in position 6: ordinal not in range(128)

Display width of unicode strings in Python [duplicate]

Treat an emoji as one character in a regex [duplicate]

How to write Russian characters in file?

shlex.split still not supporting unicode?