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New posts in python-mock

Python mock: wrap instance method

python-2.7 python-mock

Python testing: using a fake file with mock & io.StringIO

Mocking Python iterables for use with Sphinx

Changing the second result of a function call with mock

How should I test using Mocks in Python?

Using python's mock to temporarily delete an object from a dict

Pytest raise test failing for requests.raise_for_status()

How to pass the arguments to the new_callable from mock.patch?

How to test Retry in Celery application in Python?

python celery python-mock

How to mock a list in Python?

How do I mock the hierarchy of non-existing modules?

python mocking python-mock

How to patch classmethod with autospec in unmocked class?

Mock Stripe Methods in Python for testing

Inheriting a patched class

Mocking file objects or iterables in python

python tdd mocking python-mock

Mock an entire module in python

Mocking ftplib.FTP for unit testing Python code

Django ORM - mock values().filter() chain

Python Mock Patch multiple methods in a class

Getting an actual return value for a mocked file.read()

python tdd mocking python-mock