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New posts in python-mock

An easy way to mock loosely defined Python dict objects

Using python mocking library on sqlalchemy

How to use abc abstract base class as mock spec?

python python-mock abc

Can I add an instance method to a Python "Mock" object?

python python-mock

How to mock in python and still allow the actual code of mocked function to execute

What is the reason that mock.patch ignores a fully imported function?

How to mock Django Model Queries

Patching a function with Mock only for one module?

Not able to mock urllib2.urlopen using Python's mock.patch

Mock property return value gets overridden when instantiating mock object

Mock method which returns same value passed as argument

Python mock patch instance method and check call arguments

Python Mock - How to get the return of a MagicMock as if it was a normal method

Python - why mock patch decorator does not pass the mocked object to the test function when `new` argument is not DEFAULT

python mock assert_called_with

How to create a subscriptable Mock object?

How to use Mock library to mock a Django ForeignKey value?

What is the difference between using the '@patch.object' and 'with patch.object' in Python?

Mock not working on module function

Mocking a Celery task call in Python with patch