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New posts in python-decorators

python decorator TypeError missing 1 required positional argument

python python-decorators

Possible to create a @synchronized decorator that's aware of a method's object?

fix pyflakes dealing with @property setter decorator

Python decorators vs passing functions

python python-decorators

Function decorated using functools.wraps raises TypeError with the name of the wrapper. Why? How to avoid?

Passing default arguments to a decorator in python

Printing a function's local variable names and values

Python Flask working with wraps

How to assign member variables temporarily?

How do I return a value when @click.option is used to pass a command line argument to a function?

python python-decorators

Django Custom View Decorators

Most Pythonic way to provide function metadata at compile time?

How can I implement a custom error handler for all HTTP errors in Flask?

Modify function in decorator

How to use the user_passes_test decorator in class based views?

Celery task with multiple decorators not auto registering task name

Numpy vectorize as a decorator with arguments

Python Decorator for printing every line executed by a function

Python profiling using line_profiler - clever way to remove @profile statements on-the-fly?

Can variables be decorated? [closed]