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New posts in python-decorators

How do I write a decorator to wrap something in a context manager, that takes parameters?

How to detect if a function has been defined locally?

How to apply a decorator to all views (of a module) in django

django python-decorators

Python decorator function called at compile time

Usefulness of @property in this case

python python-decorators

Typing Decorator with Parameters in MyPy with TypeVar yields expected uninhabited type

Python decorators count function call

python python-decorators

How can I extend a library's decorator?

python wrapper function taking arguments inside decorator

Python decorator to keep signature and user defined attribute

python: hybrid between regular method and classmethod

Python @property decorator not working

functools.wraps equivalent for class decorator

Variables starting with underscore for property decorator

mypy: Untyped decorator makes function "my_method" untyped

Better usage of `make_pass_decorator` in Python Click

Why does property decorator show "object has no attribute"?

Python Decorators - __call__ in class

python python-decorators

Rate-limiting python decorator

Decorate a function after it is defined?

python python-decorators