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New posts in python-dataclasses

Using __new__ in inherited dataclasses

Dict from nested dataclasses

python python-dataclasses

Achieving multiple inheritance using python dataclasses

Better way to iterate over python dataclass keys and values?

python python-dataclasses

Can I have a simple list of a dataclass field

python python-dataclasses

Type-checked conversion between Dataclasses and TypedDicts

dataclasses: how to ignore None values using asdict()?

python python-dataclasses

Python dataclasses: What type to use if __post_init__ performs type conversion?

python python-dataclasses

How to make attribute in dataclass read-only?

Dataclass subclass does not inherit __repr__

Define an attribute of a dataclass with a reserved word "class" and serialize it

How to override names of dataclasses attributes in Python?

Python dataclass, what's a pythonic way to validate initialization arguments?

How to use dataclasses to generate a field value?

Python 3 - Which one is faster for accessing data: dataclasses or dictionaries?

How to add the class instance to a class variable in dataclass notation?

python python-dataclasses

Class Attribute and metaclass in dataclasses

python python-dataclasses

Pickle a frozen dataclass that has __slots__

How can I show the code that is generated when using @dataclass class decorator?