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Using __new__ in inherited dataclasses

Suppose I have the following code that is used to handle links between individuals and countries:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Country:
    iso2 : str
    iso3 : str
    name : str

countries = [ Country('AW','ABW','Aruba'),
countries_by_iso2 = {c.iso2 : c for c in countries}
countries_by_iso3 = {c.iso3 : c for c in countries}

class CountryLink:
    person_id : int
    country : Country

country_links = [ CountryLink(123, countries_by_iso2['AW']),
                  CountryLink(456, countries_by_iso3['AFG']),
                  CountryLink(789, countries_by_iso2['AO'])]


This is all working fine, but I decide that I want to make it a bit less clunky to be able to handle the different forms of input. I also want to use __new__ to make sure that we are getting a valid ISO code each time, and I want to object to fail to be created in that case. I therefore add a couple new classes that inherit from this:

class CountryLinkFromISO2(CountryLink):
    def __new__(cls, person_id : int, iso2 : str):
        if iso2 not in countries_by_iso2:
            return None
        new_obj = super().__new__(cls)
        new_obj.country = countries_by_iso2[iso2]
        return new_obj

class CountryLinkFromISO3(CountryLink):
    def __new__(cls, person_id : int, iso3 : str):
        if iso3 not in countries_by_iso3:
            return None
        new_obj = super().__new__(cls)
        new_obj.country = countries_by_iso3[iso3]
        return new_obj

country_links = [ CountryLinkFromISO2(123, 'AW'),
                  CountryLinkFromISO3(456, 'AFG'),
                  CountryLinkFromISO2(789, 'AO')]

This appears to work at first glance, but then I run into a problem:

a = CountryLinkFromISO2(123, 'AW')


<class '__main__.CountryLinkFromISO2'>
<class 'str'>

The inherited object has the right type, but its attribute country is just a string instead of the Country type that I expect. I have put in print statements in the __new__ that check the type of new_obj.country, and it is correct before the return line.

What I want to achieve is to have a be an object of the type CountryLinkFromISO2 that will inherit changes I make to CountryLink and for it to have an attribute country that is taken from the dictionary countries_by_iso2. How can I achieve this?

like image 549
EdG Avatar asked Aug 08 '21 18:08


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2 Answers

Just because the dataclass does it behind the scenes, doesn't mean you classes don't have an __init__(). They do and it looks like:

def __init__(self, person_id: int, country: Country):
    self.person_id = person_id
    self.country = country

When you create the class with:

CountryLinkFromISO2(123, 'AW')

that "AW" string gets passed to __init__() and sets the value to a string.

Using __new__() in this way is fragile and returning None from a constructor is fairly un-pythonic (imo). Maybe you would be better off making an actual factory function that returns either None or the class you want. Then you don't need to mess with __new__() at all.

class CountryLinkFromISO2(CountryLink):
    def from_country_code(cls, person_id : int, iso2 : str):
        if iso2 not in countries_by_iso2:
            return None
        return cls(person_id, countries_by_iso2[iso2])

a = CountryLinkFromISO2.from_country_code(123, 'AW')

If for some reason it needs to work with __new__(), you could return None from new when there's no match, and set the country in __post_init__():

class CountryLinkFromISO2(CountryLink):
    def __new__(cls, person_id : int, iso2 : str):
        if iso2 not in countries_by_iso2:
            return None
        return super().__new__(cls)
    def __post_init__(self):        
        self.country = countries_by_iso2[self.country]
like image 124
Mark Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 23:10


The behaviour you see is because dataclasses set their fields in __init__, which happens after __new__ has run.

The Pythonic way to solve this would be to provide an alternate constructor. I would not do the subclasses, as they are only used for their constructor.

For example:

class CountryLink:
    person_id: int
    country: Country

    def from_iso2(cls, person_id: int, country_code: str):
            return cls(person_id, countries_by_iso2[country_code])
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(f'invalid ISO2 country code {country_code!r}') from None

    def from_iso3(cls, person_id: int, country_code: str):
            return cls(person_id, countries_by_iso3[country_code])
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(f'invalid ISO3 country code {country_code!r}') from None

country_links = [ CountryLink.from_iso2(123, 'AW'),
                  CountryLink.from_iso3(456, 'AFG'),
                  CountryLink.from_iso2(789, 'AO')]
like image 29
Jasmijn Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 23:10
