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New posts in python-2.x

Why does six.py use custom class for finding MAXSIZE?

Get complete list of all possible Class Attributes

Unicode elementwise string comparison in numpy

Do a pairwise comparison of each element in two sets and return a top 3 ranklist

python python-2.x

How do I override the str function without raising a UnicodeEncodeError?

python unicode python-2.x

Why can't I pass self as a named argument to an instance method in Python?

Python 2.x multiple version issues regarding PYTHONPATH

Is there any difference between type and class?

Clean way to read a null-terminated (C-style) string from a file?

Getting "TypeError: can't pickle thread.lock objects" when an object is deepcopied with log configs

python python-2.x

Cannot reshape array of size into shape

python-3.x numpy python-2.x

Install older (but stable) NLTK version compatible with python 2

python-2.7 nlp nltk python-2.x

Python 2.7 with pyuno

Django QueryDict empty with request.POST but populated in request.GET

How to monkeypatch one class's instance method to another one?

How to Use Getter Without Setter

Import some python3 modules in Python2

Compare string to bytes that works in both Python 2 and 3

Where is documentation for multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult?

How to import a csv-file into a data array?

python csv python-2.x