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Valid syntax in both Python 2.x and 3.x for raising exception?

TypeError: expected a character buffer object

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Convert PILLOW image into StringIO

Iterating through a unicode string in Python

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Normalizing rows of a matrix python

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Airflow initdb failed in Amazon Linux

is print a function in Python?

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Why does input() give a SyntaxError when I just press enter?

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How can I use Python 2 on Google Colab?

python2 vs python3 function to method binding

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protobuf and python: can protoc generate __init__.py files?

Buffers and Memoryview Objects explained for the non-C programmer

Why does object.__new__ with arguments work fine in Python 2.x and not in Python 3.3+?

How to json.dumps byte object in python3

Some characters stick to my colorized prompt in Python cmd

Python: TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str

What is the purpose of `__metaclass__ = type`?

Why is __new__ not being called on my Python class?

python python-2.x

function to write on stderr with python2 and python3

python-3.x python-2.x

How to return multiple values from *args?