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not able to update my package on pypi.org

python pip setuptools pypi twine

conda error: could not found url

How do I include non-.py files in PyPI?

How to list the names of PyPI packages corresponding to imports in a script?

Python - Import package modules before as well as after setup.py install

Packaging a Python app with PyPI + OS-level dependencies

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How does searching with pip work?

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Twine hangs without prompting for password

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Setting up a local PyPi server with custom set of packages [duplicate]

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Pypi upload without a .pypirc?

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How do I expose a function in a Python module?

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Should I keep the MANIFEST file that setup.py generates under version control?

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Pip name conflict

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How to make a local Pypi mirror without internet access and with search available?

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Any limitations on platform constraints for wheels on PyPI?

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Python requirements conflict with PyPi

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How to have persistent storage for a PYPI package