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Using PyPi official repo with pygradle

python gradle pypi pygradle

Creating PyPi package - Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement iso8601 [duplicate]

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] when packaging for PyPI

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How to set up "front page" documentation on PYPI for a project?

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what does `twine upload dist/*` command do?

python pypi twine

How to host a private python package manager in Azure or AWS

Google Cloud Composer taking too long to install dependencies

Using custom packages on my python project

python buildout pypi tipfy

Marking Cython as a Build Dependency?

python pip cython distutils pypi

HTTPError: 400 client Error: user 'x' has no verified email addresses while pushing python package to pypi

package pypi uploading

Why cant I upload my own package to PyPI when my credential are working?

python pypi

setup.py packages and unicode_literals

python packaging setup.py pypi

pip uninstall working but giving error

How to fix 'Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement' for install_requires list when pip installing in custom package?

Specifying the minimum python version required for a module in pip

python pip pypi

Why is Twine 1.9.1 still uploading to legacy PyPi?

python pypi twine

Using hyphen/dash in python repository name and package name

How to build a source distribution without using setup.py file?

Using python_requires to require Python 2.7 or 3.2+