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New posts in pygame

Pygame draw anti-aliased thick line

How to fade the screen out and back in using PyGame?

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Is there anything I need aware of using Tkinter and pygame together?

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How to get an input from user in Pygame and save it as a variable? [duplicate]

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Simple Pygame Audio at a Frequency

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How to identify which button is being pressed on PS4 controller using pygame

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Saving the highscore for a game?

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cx_Freeze help: is there a way to NOT make console open?

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Pygame: ImportError: libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

pygame.key.get_pressed() is not working

python pygame

Is there any way to "clear" a surface?

PyGame Collision?

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PyGame: Applying transparency to an image with alpha?

Matplotlib equivalent of pygame flip

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Fully transparent windows in Pygame?

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Python on android [duplicate]

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How to initialize OpenGL context with PyGame instead of GLUT

Pygame not showing anything in the window [duplicate]

python pygame

How to avoid copying the level Surface every frame in worms-like game?

pygame.mixer.music.play() doesn't recognize Fast Tracker (.xm music format) repeat position