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New posts in protractor

Protractor - describe is not defined

SessionNotCreatedError: Unable to create new service: ChromeDriverService

Locating second, third, fourth,...eigth element in protractor using css locator

Is protractor Angular's new scenario runner?

angularjs protractor

Running e2e tests on Sauce Labs from Protractor on Travis

Testing the contents of a temporary element with protractor

Expect item in array

Page Objects in AngularJS Protractor E2E Testing

Protractor: How do promises work?

angularjs protractor

Protractor error Angular could not be found on the page

protractor - launch chrome with to disable web security for cors

How to wait in protractor till the element is enabled

Use protractor with Java

java protractor

Clicking on given coordinates of element in protractor

Can't update chromedriver and seleniumrelease

how to set https proxy for selenium's webdriver?

Protractor Button Click and open page in new tab

angularjs protractor

Scroll down to an element with protractor

Testing templates in Protractor?

Canonical way to define page objects in Protractor