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Protractor error Angular could not be found on the page

I'm trying to set up End-2-End testing for my Angular (1.4) site using protractor (2.1.0). Jasmine is installed and unit tests are working fine. When I run protractor the index#/login page loads in a browser window but no code runs and protractor reports this error

Failed: Angular could not be found on the page http://localhost/SpectrumGMWeb/index.html#/login : retries looking for angular exceeded

My protractor config looks like this

exports.config = {
    allScriptsTimeout: 11000,
    seleniumAddress: '',
    specs: [
    capabilities: {
        'browserName': 'chrome'
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost/SpectrumGMWeb/',
    framework: 'jasmine2',
    jasmineNodeOpts: {
        defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000

My test file is very simple

describe('my app', function() {

    describe('login', function() {

        beforeEach(function() {

        it('should render login page when user navigates to login page', function() {


ng-app="main" is set on the html element of index.html. The website does work.

Any ideas?

like image 472
nuander Avatar asked Jul 31 '15 17:07


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3 Answers

Try putting a browser.ignoreSynchronization = true; before you do a browser.get() in your login function.

like image 102
Rahul Vig Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 06:10

Rahul Vig

If you need to navigate to a page which does not use Angular then Add this line of code before browser.get() line there:


Reference : https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/docs/timeouts.md#waiting-for-angular-on-page-load

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Mukesh Rajput Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10

Mukesh Rajput

Well thanks everyone for your input. I did finally fix this problem by copying all the index.html file contents to a new file. It seems that somehow the file was corrupted in a way that protractor did not like. I know it sounds simple but I wasted 2 full days on this so hope it helps someone.

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nuander Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 06:10
