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New posts in protractor

does jasmine have soft assertion using expect()?

Protractor Cucumber BDD Tests Show Pass before Execution

JavaScript Protractor (Selenium) verify if input is focused

selenium protractor

How do I sendKeys to a ui-ace instance with Protractor?

protractor- difference between toBe(truth) and toBeTruthy()

Testing element count inside an ng-repeat with protractor

How can we use protractor in eclipse?

eclipse protractor

Install Latest Version of Firefox on Travis And Run with Protractor

Protractor - How to store the value of browser.executeScript in variable?

What's the correct Protractor's syntax for Page Objects?

protractor pageobjects

chrome-driver start-maximized not working in MAC OS

webdriver-manager update throwing Error: connect ETIMEDOUT

Protractor Process exited with error code 100

protractor webdriver errno

In Protractor, Error "session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 79"

WebDriver + Protractor with grunt

Setting an Angular model using Protractor

WebDriver getLocation in protractor

How to handle table data in Protractor


Check text in a DOM element using Protractor

How can we set zoom level in selenium/protractor i.e zoom to 90%