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New posts in protege

Open World Assumption in Protégé Ontology

owl ontology protege protege4

Merge Ontology with Protege-OWL API


Installing Graphviz 2.36. on macOS Sierra

graphviz protege

OWLAPI : how load ontology having import works?

Restrictions in Protégé

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Why is this DL-Query not returning any individuals?

owl - protege not inferring correctly? how to define precisely a class "vegetarian"?

owl protege how can I describe a class that has just some properties?

Jena: How to infer data / performance issues

Writing ontologies in DL syntax?

UnloadableImportException: Could not load imported ontology

java rdf owl protege owl-api

Adding statements of knowledge to an OWL Ontology in Protege)

Adding multiple domains to objectProperty in Protege 5

Using Property Chains to get inferred Knowledge in an OWL Ontology(Protege)

Is Ontology File created in Protege with RDF/XML Format a RDF file or the OWL file?

rdf owl ontology protege

Superclasses header not available in Protege 4.3

owl ontology protege

Protege-OWL: Class must have one of each <value>

Using Protege owl ontology on Android

android ontology owl protege

Reasoning OWL ontology using inverse property?

owl protege dlquery