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New posts in protected

Using make_shared with a protected constructor + abstract interface

Protected method access from derived class

c# overriding protected

Why can't I access a protected variable in Java this way?

java protected

Python xlwt - making a column readonly (cell protect)

Protected variables can be accessed within Child Class or Child Object

java inheritance protected

Java: calling a super class' protected method from a subclass - not visible?

java visibility protected

Weird compiler error and template inheritance

Why does protected inheritance cause dynamic_cast to fail?

"Protected" access in Python - how?

A method can't access a member variable of the same class (C++)

c++ class static protected

C++ Protected / Public overloads

StyleCop Madness: protected field

Should a descendant class' method's variable that is identical to Self, have access to its ancestor's protected methods?

C#: Mocking and testing protected (or private) methods in sealed classes -- approaches

Protected internal class inside a namespace compiles without error

c# .net mono internal protected

How to protect python class variables from an evil programmer?

idiomatic way to declare protected method in Scala when allowing for composition?

Scala: "override protected val" results in error when defining case class constructor

scala overriding protected

public onCreate(), or protected onCreate()?

multiple protected inheritance with polymorphism