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New posts in propertyinfo

Why is a member of base class different from the same member in derived class?

PropertyInfo.GetValue(myObject, null).GetType() returns "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

How to differentiate between value-type, nullable value-type, enum, nullable-enum, reference-types through reflection?

c# reflection propertyinfo

Get Property Info from an object without giving the property name as string

Can an extension method be added to a class property to get the value of an attribute associated with the property?

GetValue of PropertieInfo throws TargetParameterCountException (System.Reflection)

What are GetField, SetField, GetProperty and SetProperty in BindingFlags enumeration?

Can a C# Property ever have no GetMethod and no SetMethod

Non-static method requires a target in PropertyInfo.SetValue

How to use reflection to get properties of a base class before properties of the derived class

Extension method to get property name

Is there any way to get the PropertyInfo from the getter of that property?

PropertyInfo.GetValue() "Object does not match target type."

How to get the property that has a DataMemberAttribute with a specified name?

Get the default PropertyDescriptors for a type

Difference between GetGetMethod method and GetMethod property?

Equality for .NET PropertyInfos

Ignore collection properties in PropertyInfo

c# properties propertyinfo

Create new PropertyInfo object on the fly

Why is TargetInvocationException treated as uncaught by the IDE?