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New posts in premature-optimization

Premature optimization or am I crazy?

Why would this Lua optimization hack improve performance?

Shear a numpy array

Java: Performance of Enums vs. if-then-else

In C++, which is better i>-1 or i>=0 [duplicate]

Does rearranging a conditional evaluation speed up a loop?

Calling a getter multiple times or calling once and assigning to a variable?

Can knowing C actually hurt the code you write in higher level languages?

Is ++i really faster than i++ in for-loops in java?

x > -1 vs x >= 0, is there a performance difference

What is the Cost of Calling array.length

Which "if" construct is faster - statement or ternary operator?

When is optimisation premature?

Are Java static calls more or less expensive than non-static calls?